International Montessori Training Course (0-6) – Mantua, Italy

Receive an international certificate

Invest in your future at minimal cost

Spend some time in the beautiful Mantova (Mantua) area

Come to Italy for your Montessori training! The International Montessori Course (for educators of children ages 0-6) is scheduled to begin February 10, 2018 at the International Montessori School in Curtatone (Mantua).

The course is comprised of a total of 500 hrs divided between classes, observation and internship. For students living at a distance, 30 hours of theory classes may be followed via internet streaming. Classes will meet on Saturday (full day) and Sunday (a.m.) from February till July. During the month of July there will a 10-day period of intensive training (exact dates to be decided). Internship requirements may be fulfilled at the International Montessori School in Curtatone or at a school closer to your area (to be arranged with the staff).

Application deadline: January 28, 2018
Beginning of classes: February 10, 2018
Cost: €1,500

The educational requirements for the course vary based on the country in which you reside/work. Applicants should meet the minimum educational requirements set by their home country. If in doubt, please fill out an application and we will be glad to help you evaluate this aspect.

The course will be held in the city of Curtatone (Mantua) and is organized by: the Montessori Training Center Perugia, Ce.P.A.S.A., and by the International Bilingual School “Maria Montessori” of Curtatone. The course has been recognized and approved by MIUR (Ministry of Education, Universities and Research).

For more information:

+39 340 783 4346 (cell.)
+39 0376 291681 (tel.)
Contact us


2018 International Montessori Course (age 0-6)

    To begin the application process, fill out the Application Request. You will receive further information and details about the course.

    I have the following degree(s):


    I herby request admissions to the Montessori Education Course that will begin in 2018 in Curtatone.

    I've read and accept the privacy polity.